MākuSafe® To Address The Nebraska Hospital Association

April 23, 2018

MākuSafe’s Chief Technology Officer, Mark Fredrick will be presenting to The Nebraska Hospital Association at their Spring Workers’ Compensation Seminars. We’re very happy to have been invited to both the North Platte, and Lincoln, Nebraska events on April 25th & 26th. These events are an effort of NHA Services and are held in conjunction with LMC Insurance & Risk Management.

About the NHA

The Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA) is a statewide trade association representing Nebraska’s hospitals and health systems since 1927. The hospital and health system field is the only sector of Nebraska’s economy that touches every citizen and business of Nebraska. Not only do hospitals support a healthy Nebraska and provide essential health care services, they are also among the largest employers and economic drivers in most regions of the state. This sector’s highly trained and educated workforce uses high tech, cutting edge technology that is the envy of the world. Hospitals and health care are the foundation upon which communities in Nebraska are built.

The NHA serves as the influential voice of its members in the health care legislative and public arenas, promoting delivery of quality health care and influencing public opinion of hospitals and health networks. Members depend on the Association for information, advice, education and changes in health care regulations, legislation, trends and other issues. Hospitals are the stewards of good health. Through our partnerships with representatives in the health care industry, legislators, government and citizens, the NHA is able to assist in the development of strong, healthy communities.

About NHA Services

NHA Services, Inc. is a subsidiary organization of the Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA). Designed to reduce health care expenses, NHA Services is collaboration among the NHA, NHA member hospitals and other Nebraska health care organizations and providers. The NHA Services successful volume aggregation model is key to achieving best value for all members. The NHA Services Board of Directors leads the organization’s contract decision-making process. NHA Services helps providers find cost-effective, appropriate solutions to their operational challenges. Using “NHA Services Preferred Business Partner” provides direct financial support to all NHA programs. The more we share, the more we succeed.

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