MākuSmart Software Update: Enhanced Reports Capabilities

May 14, 2021

Enhanced reports make it easy for you to get the deeper data you want, in the format you desire, when you need it.

Having a large, continual stream of data analytics is great, but no safety professional has time to sort through it all to find the most meaningful points. The MākuSmart software platform makes data from wearables easy to access and understand. Insights about highest priority potential risks in a facility or job-site are immediately actionable and can be drilled into with a touch or click for details. Full reporting features and capabilities are available to facilitate the study of data in MākuSmart and are customizable based on the data YOU need. Safety managers can create deep-dive data sets to thoroughly investigate details and set up monthly report templates to prep for meetings. Clients can also use API keys to automatically share generated sets of data with other platforms. To ease COVID-19 compliance, on-demand contact tracing reports show workers who have been in close proximity with others over any defined timeframe. The best part? Users can customize their views to uncover details by worker, by location, by indicator types (motion, environmental…etc.), and more.

Available weekly standard reports include:

  • Indicators Over Time: This report shows the frequency of indicators over time, such as hazardous motion, sound dosage, VOCs, heat stress…etc.
  • Deployments Report: This report allows safety managers to see who is wearing a device, the average length of time they are wearing it, and total number of covered workers by day.
  • Readings by Location: This report shows all locations in the facility and reports on all of the sensors-Temperature, Humidity, Light, Pressure, CO2, TVOC, Heat Index and dBA.
  • Worker Proximity Report: This report is especially helpful for organizations mitigating COVID-19 hazards, allowing the user to see workers that have been in close contact and the duration of that contact.
  • Trend History Report: This report will compare current trends with historical trend data to demonstrate results over time, or investigate details.

Our Team of Account Managers are Certified Occupational Safety Specialists (COSS), who work closely with each company’s safety team to determine what data is most impactful in their organization and can suggest which reports are useful or if modifications or additional reports may be necessary to reach their goals. If you are interested in learning more about the reporting features and customization and integration options in MākuSmart, let’s talk!