Novarica Article Examines How MakuSafe’s Wearable Tech Could Improve Loss Control

April 5, 2019

A recent in-depth interview with Novarica prompted a thorough look at the implications of wearables and AI on loss control and other insurance use-case scenarios. The article cites that while consumer-focused wearables have seen low adoption rates, special-purpose wearables still show promise for specific applications like loss control despite consumer and carrier ambivalence.

One of the most attention-grabbing aspects of the MākuSafe® wearable for the Novarica team was the AI-driven, machine learning platform (called MākuSmart®) that allows safety managers to collect and take action on data insights to predict and prevent occurrences.

“The most interesting aspect of this wearable platform is the AI-driven machine learning that combines sensor information with patterns of known incidents. This combination makes the platform very accurate over time and enables it to analyze information and provide it to facility safety managers quickly.”

Read the full story.