Gabriel Glynn Interviewed and MākuSafe® Featured in EHS Today
September 9, 2019
CEO and CoFounder Gabriel Glynn was interviewed about why he started MākuSafe® and how our innovative technology will work to improve safety outcomes for workers.

Armed with a Sense of Danger
When it comes to environmental plant hazards, the new sensor-laden MākuSafe® wearable safety device ensures you won’t miss a thing.
John Hitch | Sep 03, 2019
“Roughly 50 employees suffer fatal injuries at work annually in Iowa, or almost one per week. In 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics tallied the total U.S. number at 5,147. Globally, 2.3 million die a year due to work-related injury or illness, or 6,000 a day, according to the International Labour Organization. But no one can really tell how many near misses there are, how many times someone courts tragedy and instead of slipping in a puddle and falling down the steel stairwell, merely loses their balance. Few are inclined to report an “almost” bad thing unless they just avoided a horrific event like a plane crash or factory explosion.”
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