MākuSafe® and Accident Fund Announce Partnership for Pilot Program

July 8, 2019

DES MOINES, IOWA (July 8, 2019)—MākuSafe, a Des Moines-based insurance technology company, today announced the launch of a six-month pilot program with AF Group to address the impact of using wearable technology and data to mitigate injury to workers in manufacturing environments.

AF Group will use MakuSafe’s latest generation of wearable armband technology to identify industrial hazards and reduce workplace accidents and workers’ compensation claims.

The pilot program is a continued step in the evolution and real-world execution of MākuSafe’s technology solutions which help companies reduce the number of workplace accidents by collecting and processing predictive indicators of risk. The MākuSafe® wearable armband gathers data on numerous environmental conditions and hazardous human motion, such as slips and trips. Then the MākuSmart® cloud platform uses machine learning to uncover trends and generate real-time alerts to help safety managers and insurance companies identify potential hazards before accidents happen.

“A key part of our success in workers’ compensation has been our ability to effectively help policyholders mitigate injury to workers,” said Abel Travis, vice president, Underwriting & Innovation at AF Group. “We want to see every employee return home safely and are encouraged by the MākuSafe® technology which could help us better achieve this goal.”

Abel added that through the course of the pilot program, the company will be looking specifically at how the combination of the MākuSafe® armband and MākuSmart® platform can provide insights on workplace safety trends and help build an increased culture of safety among employees.

“Sending more people home safely to their families at the end of the work day is a mission that’s easy to get behind,” said Gabriel Glynn, MākuSafe® CEO & Co-Founder. “It has been so encouraging to see companies like AF Group embrace this mission in such a tangible way.”

MākuSafe’s products have attracted the attention of insurance company partners, capital investment companies, and industrial end users who see the potential benefit of preventing workers’ compensations claims.

More information about the program’s results will be released after the pilot’s conclusion.


About MākuSafe

MākuSafe® is an insurtech SaaS/data & analytics company based in Des Moines, Iowa. Our mission is to improve worker health, safety, and productivity while reducing workers’ compensation claims and mitigating workplace risks. Founded in 2016, MākuSafe® developed proprietary wearable technology that gathers real-time environmental and motion data from workers. Our cloud platform, MākuSmart, then uses machine learning to identify high-risk trends in the facility. The portal auto-records near-misses, proactively targets resources to specific conditions & occurrences, and streamlines compliance reporting. MākuSafe® delivers their product through insurance carriers, as well as direct to industrial end users. More information and a brief video about the company and product can be found at www.makusafe.com.

About AF Group

Headquartered in Lansing, Mich., AF Group is a premier provider of innovative insurance solutions committed to leading the industry with superior underwriting and exceptional medical management strategies.

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