VPPPA Webinar On-Demand: Wearable Tech Panel Featuring MākuSafe, NFI Industries & EMC Insurance

April 11, 2022

As the world around us becomes more and more connected and data-driven, companies have the
potential to harness valuable information to benefit their businesses and workers. This previously recorded live webinar, hosted by VPPPA with panelists from MākuSafe, NFI Industries and EMC Insurance Companies, discusses how wearable safety technology, machine learning, AI and cloud computing are helping safety leaders gain valuable insight into understanding workplace risks, keeping workers safe, and mitigating hazards before incidents and claims occur.

Webinar Summary:
Workforce wearables can go beyond biometrics and fitness, tracking usable data that’s relevant to
employee safety and focused on the environment around an employee, not the employee themselves.
This data includes things such as environmental hazards, slips/trips/falls/ergo concerns,
location/proximity/contact tracing, and voice-reported near miss & good-catch reports, providing a
more complete picture of workplace risk. With this data manufacturers, construction, and industrial
organizations can better understand trends, and gain real time insights enabling proactive and
preventative hazard remediation ensuring worker safety and reducing claims.

View the on-demand webinar below:

How Workforce Wearable Tech Provides EHS Leading Indicators That Are Reducing Incidents And Claims

In this webinar, you will learn:

  1. How wearable technology provides a unique means of gathering relevant leading indicator EHS data
    while respecting employee privacy.
  2. How machine learning & AI are being used to identify high-risk safety trends and increase safety
    management effectiveness and efficiency.
  3. How analytics intelligence can be provided to safety leaders in an easy-to-understand format with
    actionable advice before incidents happen.
  4. How voice reporting from the front lines generates more good-catch/near-miss reports, and the
    power of observations from the front lines.
  5. Case studies will be shared demonstrating management actions taken as a result of MakuSafe EHS
    data, and the impact on reducing incidents and claims. Examples with findings and insights around;
    environmental hazards detected, uncovering harmful human motion, process improvements, and
    positively impacting safety culture.


Tom West is Vice President at MākuSafe, as well as being a SHRM & HRCI Senior Certified Human
Resources Professional and Occupational Safety Specialist.
Over the years, Tom has held executive
leadership roles with many companies providing learning & development tools, technology, and
services. Tom also served as a College Professor for 28 years, teaching Management, Marketing, and
Small Business Entrepreneurship.

Paul Abrams, Senior Vice President of Enterprise Health & Safety at NFI Industries, a supply chain
solutions provider and leader in logistics.
Paul’s career began at NFI as a Risk Management trainee, ultimately becoming the Director of Risk
Management. He then provided leadership in three additional Director roles with NFI; Communications,
Process Improvement, & Customer Service. Paul left NFI for several years to pursue opportunities in
healthcare leadership, then re-joined the company as Vice President of Behavioral and Organizational
Safety. Recently he has assumed the role of SVP, Enterprise Health and Safety. Paul is leading a team of
24 professionals spread across the country, with a mission of increasing safety culture while proactively
preventing injuries and accidents via a strong focus on leading indicators and behavioral based safety
methodologies. He also is leading the employee response of Covid-19 for all of NFI’s 15,500 employees
in 350 locations across the US and Canada. Paul and his wife Kim live in Vineland, NJ, with their two

Steven Shaffer, CHMM, ARM
Steven Shaffer is a Senior Risk Improvement Innovation Specialist with EMC Insurance Companies.
Steven is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager and also holds an Associate in Risk Management
Designation. Mr. Shaffer joined EMC Insurance in 2005 as an Industrial Hygienist to support chemical
management assistance efforts. In 2018 he became a founding member to the Risk Improvement
Innovation team, and has spearheaded EMC efforts in building sensors, and wearable technologies. Prior
to joining EMC he worked as an analytical chemist and chemistry educator.