Our Team Gives Thanks
November 23, 2021
The MākuSafe Team took a moment to reflect and share some of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions and give thanks. We hope you all have a a wonderful holiday with friends and family.
The great pie debate wages on.
Cherry pie didn’t make a strong showing this year, but it’s a heated race between pumpkin, pecan and apple pie on the MākuSafe team. Which one is your favorite?

When it’s time to cook the turkey, do you reach for the roaster, the smoker or the fryer?
The MākuSafe, being a safety-focused company, is sticking with the roaster for the most part, though we do have some team-members “safely” frying up the bird this year.

Some of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions include…
Cooking is a passion of mine, so I enjoy providing a variety of sides.
Playing cards games with the family!
We don’t have much for official traditions. We do always seem to find ourselves around the table after lunch playing cards with a glass of wine or a cocktail in hand.

Big dinner with the family and watching football.
Family walks outside.
Fun with food, family & football
Morning pheasant hunt, big lunch, quick nap, touch football game, afternoon pheasant hunt…back to the table for leftovers.

Family, great food, everyone cooking together and spending time enjoying being with each other.
Huge extended family potluck, so there is a little bit of everything you can imagine to try.
Spending time with family in my blue sports-coat. :)
The Buffalo Bills playing in prime time. – Anonymous
Watching football while smoking meats and eating goodies.
We are thankful for…..
Family, health, and working for an awesome company with the best co-workers.
Being able to spend quality time with everyone.
I am always thankful for family, however, we wouldn’t have made it through 2020 without the community of our church, friends and neighbors.

I’m incredibly thankful for the amazing village of friends, family and coworkers that support me.
Having had beautiful fall weather for such a long period of time! (I had a lot of outdoor projects to get done)
That my daughters are so happy and settled with who and where they are . . .
The opportunity to once again work with great people in person.

Spending the first year with my husband as a new family, and working on our home together.
So thankful for the entire MākuSafe team and our investors.
Mark and Mike camping overnight to hold down our spot for the opening day of Pheasant Season. ;)
Family and my blue sports-coat. :)
Health, friends & family.